I have had two operations for a deviated septum and still I could not breathe through my left nostril well. I tried the nose strips and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. Then I tried the Brez devices. It
works! However, I have had to modify its use. I have to insert it vertically and not horizontally in the left nostril. It took me a month this way to get used to it...but it works.
I highly recommend it. .." Richard Ordway..said"
I am a pharmacist and received a sing Brez packet in the mail as a sample. I almost threw it out, but decided to keep it for my husband. He has a deviated septum and has snored forever. I gave it for him to wear, and it was a miracle! He didn't snore at all! He loves this product and has asked me to buy him some more. He has never tried anything similar (like breathrite strips), but he loves this. It is definitely worth a try.
"Kristen N. Wolf..said"
Product Description
INDICATIONS: Brez premium Intranasal snore stopping breathing aid Fits Perfectly Inside Nasal Passages. Drug 100 % free, Latex 100 % free and Sticky 100 % free. Soft and Flexible. Significantly reduce snoring.
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It’s bedtime. I slip into my favorite flowered pajamas, brush my teeth, wash my face, smooth on moisturizer, dab on eye cream, comb my hair back away from my face. As I size up my reflection in the mirror, I know my attention to beauty will not prevent me, once asleep, from turning into a beast.
Indelicate as it may be, I snore http://stopsnoringebook.blogspot.com
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